Whether you have gone down the diet path or not, there is no need to ever go there. Diets just don’t work. Losing weight and becoming healthy is not about the food and what you eat, but more about your thoughts. Just eating less is not the quick solution, but thinking differently about how you eat will transform your body and mind into a healthier and happier version of you.
Think Thin
Forget the Diet, Change Your Choices
In the recent New York Times column “Jane Brody’s Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss,” Jane Brody tells the tale of how she managed to lose weight and keep it off by deciding to stop dieting and to make healthy choices. She talks of a shift in her perspective:
I finally regained control when I stopped dieting. I decided that if I was going to be fat, at least I could be healthy. I made a plan to eat three nutritious, satisfying meals every day with one small snack, which helped me overcome the temptation to binge in response to deprivation.
Its The Thought That Counts!
Remember back in January when you made that resolution? The resolution that this year was the year that you were going to get healthy! You were going to eat right and exercise! Maybe you made it a few weeks or even a few months….Maybe you found a new diet that you were able to stick to for a while. For those 1st few weeks you thought “this is easy! I can do this!”, only to return to your old habits, feeling dejected….like a failure. Now you are “thinking why can’t I do it?….It’s easy for other people” and “I really WANT to be fit and healthy! I know what to do!….why can’t I make healthy choices?”